by Debbie McClure When I first started writing, about five years ago now, I thought writing was the hard part. It was a challenge to craft a story from beginning to end, applying the necessary discipline to get the story written, and edit, edit, edit the finished product. That first leap of faith With only […]
Tag Archives | Writers
5 Lessons Learned Between Books 5 & 6
Lock the Cellar Door is out, Book #6 in my Gen Delacourt Mystery Series. I’ve made it a tradition to share what I’ve learned between launches (here are the posts following publication of Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, and Book 5), so here goes. Production After trying several methods to rev up my writing […]
Authors: 50 Fabulous Ways To Kickstart Publicity
by Linda White Publicity is a confusing area for many authors. The bottom line with publicity is that there is usually minimal cost (just the price of printed items you are distributing), but there is also minimal control of how the story you put out there is handled. You can’t tell an editor how to […]
Pursuing a Trad Published Dream
We talk a lot on this blog about self-publishing, but some of us have other goals. Meet Sue Coletta, an author who is holding out for the traditional path, and she’s here to tell you how to go about it! We all have different dreams. As long as I can remember I’ve always dreamed about […]
Working Authors: Todd Borg
This is the second post in an ongoing series highlighting self-published authors who are making a living from their work – not scoring a BookBub promo every month, not ranked among the Top-Selling Authors on Amazon. Just folks like us, paying bills and trying to figure out what works. I discovered author Todd Borg while […]
How To Beat The Fear Of Self-Publishing
My friend and fellow author Belinda Pollard recently took the plunge into self-publishing, and she’s here to share her story. Enjoy! Last week, I became a self-published author for the first time. An indie. It’s still sinking in that after so many years of yearning to be a novelist, I have a book I can […]
Top 5 Takeaways From PubSmart 2014
We’ve got more great information from another onsite attendee of the PubSmart 2014 Conference, held this April in Charleston: Author Patricia Sands is here to share her insights. Welcome, Patricia! There were many reasons why the premise for this writers’ conference sounded different and intriguing, but this statement definitely got my attention: “PubSmart is about […]

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Gen Delacourt Mystery #1: Mark of the Loon First Book is FREE!

Gen Delacourt Mystery #2: The Last Fairytale

Gen Delacourt Mystery #3: Paint Me Gone

Gen Delacourt Mystery #4: A Thousand Tombs

Gen Delacourt Mystery #5: Swindle Town

Gen Delacourt Mystery #6: Lock the Cellar Door

Book #7: Midnight at Half Moon Bay

Gen Delacourt Mystery #8: The India Archives