We’ve got more great information from another onsite attendee of the PubSmart 2014 Conference, held this April in Charleston: Author Patricia Sands is here to share her insights. Welcome, Patricia! There were many reasons why the premise for this writers’ conference sounded different and intriguing, but this statement definitely got my attention: “PubSmart is about […]
Tag Archives | Indie author
Ebook Pricing: What’s The Perfect Number?
Whether you’re a self-published author with titles on Amazon or selling a non-fiction book on your website, product pricing is a major component of your marketing plan and income projections. I’m guessing you’ve spent a lot of time considering price point tactics. But let’s face it, the cost of ebooks – both theory and advice […]
Book Promotions That Work
Indie authors know how difficult it can be to market books! Fortunately, we have access to pros who can guide us. I’m pleased to share this article about book promotion basics for self-published authors, written by Shannon O’Neil of The Publishing team at Duolit. Every author I meet has one question. It’s often disguised by different language […]
Yes, The Barn’s For Sale
I readily admit that I’m absolutely ecstatic, having just come off the high of successfully setting up and conducting a weekend yard sale. The minute I opened my eyes this morning I realized it was done, over, finished, and not only was I now $1325 richer (yay!), a slew of my own sad, unfinished projects […]
5 Self-Publishing Mistakes I Made Last Year
Welcome my guest, indie author Tammy Salyer! The term “indie author” is a misnomer. Why? Because, as we all know, once you cover your keyboard for the day, your work is only 1/10 finished. Making the conscious effort to become a self-published indie author also means taking on the challenge of becoming your own marketer, publisher, art […]
How To Fund Your Book Using Kickstarter
My friend Rob Gard has an interesting story to share about the intriguing project he’s using to fund his book! Here’s Rob: We are writers, storytellers, chanters of the ancient hearthside songs and sagas. We crawl through creative tunnels and mine the deepest depths of our experiences, beliefs, fears and hopes to connect with the shared human experience. […]
Does Facebook Work For Authors?
I’ve met the most wonderful people on my self-publishing journey, and indie author Susan Salluce is one of them. In this guest post, she’s agreed to share her success with book promotion on Facebook, a platform I know little about. Enjoy! Ah, Facebook. Just take a minute and reflect on what that brings up for you. Fun? Time waster? […]

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Gen Delacourt Mystery #1: Mark of the Loon First Book is FREE!

Gen Delacourt Mystery #2: The Last Fairytale

Gen Delacourt Mystery #3: Paint Me Gone

Gen Delacourt Mystery #4: A Thousand Tombs

Gen Delacourt Mystery #5: Swindle Town

Gen Delacourt Mystery #6: Lock the Cellar Door

Book #7: Midnight at Half Moon Bay

Gen Delacourt Mystery #8: The India Archives