by Molly Greene, @mollygreene I love a good mystery, but I’m a picky reader due to impatience, a short attention span, and acquired proofing skills that make editing boo-boos and craft-type missteps leap out. If the author doesn’t snag me in the first few pages, I won’t continue. If they don’t hold my attention after […]
Tag Archives | authors
Query Letters: What Agents Love And Loathe
I’m so pleased to host literary agent Helen Zimmermann! She’s here to talk about the all-important query letter, and what you can do to increase the chances your submission will be read. If you’re a writer shooting for a traditional publishing deal, one of the most important things you will tackle is your query (or […]
Book Contests Part 2: If You Don’t Enter You Can’t Win!
I recently published a guest post written by my friend Linda Rodriguez, winner of the 2011 Malice Domestic Award for best first mystery novel. (Book Contests Part 1: Why Malice Pays Off.) Linda’s story is the perfect example of the exciting benefits of winning a writing contest. Winners may receive a contract with a traditional publisher (without […]
See Tammy Run? She’s Writing
I first met Molly on Twitter and was instantly a fan of her blog thanks to this fantastic post on editing, which, as a dedicated word-nerd, is a skill-slash-torment that I obsess over. Coincidentally, we both write fiction (my book has just been released, and hers will be coming out at any moment), so it seemed like perfect timing […]
How to Sell 100 Books a Day
I met Terri Long on Twitter early in 2011 and quickly became a fan of this generous, upbeat, talented, hard-working indie author. I’ve watched as she’s achieved a level of success that, frankly, I believe we all aspire to. Her marketing efforts have paid off so well that her debut novel, In Leah’s Wake, often sells at a rate of over 100 books […]

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Gen Delacourt Mystery #1: Mark of the Loon First Book is FREE!

Gen Delacourt Mystery #2: The Last Fairytale

Gen Delacourt Mystery #3: Paint Me Gone

Gen Delacourt Mystery #4: A Thousand Tombs

Gen Delacourt Mystery #5: Swindle Town

Gen Delacourt Mystery #6: Lock the Cellar Door

Book #7: Midnight at Half Moon Bay

Gen Delacourt Mystery #8: The India Archives