Backstory: I created a Twitter account in 2008 but didn’t use it until early 2011. Back then I wasn’t much of a social media fan, although I designated 2011 as my year to get familiar with the phenomenon. I have Facebook and LinkdIn pages but rarely visited or updated them. Therefore, I was the LAST person who should be overheard […]
That voice in your head? Make sure it’s friendly
My future is bright and beautiful. ~ Louise Hay My list of regular “to do’s” now includes repeating affirmations a few times every day. Wait! Don’t stop reading. I’m NOT trying to ride the coattails of the Law of Attraction folks. Although it is an excellent philosophy! Actually, this all started with my friend Johna, the Queen […]
Ten things I know for sure are true – for me
I don’t pretend to know it all, but I do know this: 1) Humor helps me process good AND bad life events. A fabulous round of laughter smoothes the rough patches. I am happiest when I view life as an adventure to be experienced, not as a burden I must bear. I do this best […]
I am Molly Greene, and I am a writer
The journey is the reward: How I made bad writing the basis of a great life Backstory: I wrote a Really Bad Novel in 1997. Not that I thought it was awful at the time – like many novice scribes, I was sure I was on to something big. So I crafted a query letter (better than […]

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